9 Future-Secure Jobs AI Will Never Replace

I remember few years ago when the AI trend was picking up. Some people predicted that AI would take all jobs, while others said that AI was just a temporary trend and would vanish after few months/years. Few years later, and the dreadful is already happening. AI is actually taking up jobs and getting people fired.

Now, does that mean that AI will take up all the jobs? Absolutely not. I don’t see that happening (at least for now). But, future is not bright for some professions. Fortunately, there are some jobs that AI will NEVER REPLACE. The reason? Because today’s AI finds it hard to provide personalized service.

Well, if you’re confused, don’t be… You’ll know what I’m talking about by the end of this post.

(1) Handcraft

As I said, AI has limits. Yes, it is becoming harder to beat AI at logic and mathematical calculations, but AI is still far behind when it comes to unique creativity. I know, super-advanced AI service like Midjourney can create human-perfect digital art within seconds. Yet, it follows a set of patterns. If you have good eye and experience with AI content, you’ll begin to notice a particular set of pattern.

One image may look unique, but if you ask Midjourney to create 100 of them, you’ll clearly see that it follows a pattern. Something that is not common among humans. An experienced artist can create countless different versions of a particular image, and in most cases, their next work has very little similarities compared to the previous ones.

A handcrafted product is always unique. That’s why they are expensive and people don’t mind a premium. AI will have a hard time making handcrafted products. Even if it matches the build-quality, an AI handcrafted product will immediately defeat the purpose of “handcraft.”

(2) Social Service

Providing social service is all about trust-building. The more trustworthy you are, the more successful you’ll be as a social service worker. Yeah, an AI can become a social service worker, but its service will be synthetic, emotionless

Care is something that AI cannot replicate. Let’s say you become social worker, how you behave while helping someone is important. Maybe a robot will become more physically robust, but it would terribly fail in comforting a person.

(3) Personal Coaching

How often have you heard of an AI personal coach? I have never! Similar to a social service worker, a personal coach too has to personally interact with their clients. And, since a personal coach is always expensive, the client WILL want to feel special and noticed.

Let alone something as professional as personal coaching, few years ago a famous YouTuber tried to change his YouTube channel into AI generated content, and his channel got beaten down by his subscribers.

Anyone who tries AI content in personal coaching, he/she will be branded a scam artist. Hence, if your primary source of income is from personal coaching, you’re pretty safe.

(4) Life Mentoring

I can end this section with one sentence: AI has no life. Hence, life mentoring is out of questions by an AI. Take ChatGPT for example. It’s intelligent, can access information than any human out there, but still it cannot help you through depression. Even a curse word can deviate it from normal functioning.

Jobs that require empathy, intuition, and human connection, such as counseling, life coaching, or personal mentoring, are less likely to be replaced by AI. These roles often rely heavily on emotional intelligence and understanding individual nuances.

If you don’t trust me, then confess to ChatGPT about your sadness, and see how the conversation goes. After a point of repeated questioning, it’ll suggest you to meet a certified doctor, or visit a life coach.

(5) Healthcare

AI has entered the healthcare industry. There are some hospitals that has AI assistant that works as a helping-hand for doctors and nurses. Still, can AI completely replace doctors? I doubt!

Healthcare is a industry that deals with life. Would you like to be treated by a human-doctor or an AI-doctor? Think about it once and you’ll know why doctors have a secure job and will never lose to AI.

Theoretically AI can beat an experienced doctor, but it’ll never beat the real-life experience. An AI will never replace a doctor with 25 years of surgical experience. Even if such time comes, we won’t be alive by then. An AI doctor is too advanced technology, and this generation AI isn’t capable enough to do such huge complex tasks.

(6) White-Glove Service

What’s so special about a 5-star Michelin recognized restaurant? Do you think people go there to eat heaps of food? No! The food is hardly enough to fill your stomach, and it’s insanely expensive. Still a 5-restaurant hardly goes out of business. Why? It’s the White-glove service.

When you get special attention and service, that’s white-glove service. The name came from hotels and restaurants where they make you feel special, provide additional services and have attention to detail at almost everything.

All these things require awareness and years of hard training. Yes, an AI can learn something immediately (it’s just a software update), but it’ll never know to handle unexpected situations. White-glove service has been there for centuries, since the time of the kings. Do you think AI will take over it?

(7) Athletes

Imagine how it would look like if only robots participated in Olympics? Sports would lose its beauty. If you’re an Athlete then you’re safe. Because, I’m pretty sure engineers would never launch a robot athlete.

Yeah, they would surely test their AI-driven robots for durability, but officially robots won’t be allowed to participate in competitions.

Up until now do you see a pattern? Every job I’ve mentioned till now is related to human emotions. No matter what everyone says, sports is an emotion for millions. A team of players is represented by their country, and they have fans who support them.

Do you think humans would have the same emotional connect with robots? I don’t think so.

(8) Cook

AI’s toughest challenge is adaptability, and cooking requires continuous adaptability and experiment. If you cook regularly you’ll that intuition too plays a huge role, especially when you’re trying to cook something new. A human cook can easily beat a robot cook. A robot cook may follow the set procedure diligently, but the cooked food won’t have any character and emotion.

The other challenge with an AI cook is tasting. As I said, a human can taste and make adjustments, but an robot cannot. The best it can do it create random recipes.

Finally, as I have said this in every post: emotional connection. An AI cook can never establish an emotional connection with its people. It will just cook a bland food and complete its job. As for me, I love when my mom cooks for me. No one can cook as good as her. You may not feel the same as I do, because you don’t have the emotional connection with my mom. I hope you got that?

(9) Artists

Actors, Broadway performers, and artists who express emotions through special acts are safer in this AI era. At least for now, AI isn’t intelligent enough to replace actors, and artists involved in complex tasks (like Opera singers).

In fact, you can find many AI service that can create music from scratch, still you won’t feel much emotion from it. Do you think AI music can compete with Hans Zimmer’s music? Never!

Broadway performers are great actors, and acting is hard. Even if a robot learns acting, making a synthetic skin that could show facial emotions is bone-breaking hard work. The body language, dialogue delivery and facial expression that Broadway performers deliver is nearly impossible to replicate for an AI.

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